Genius Weft
Genius Wefts combine the best atrributes from hand-tied wefts and flat wefts to create the most perfect weft imaginable. This virtually undetectable weft is almost as thin as a hand-tied weft but can be cut for easy customization, and has no return hairs that can irritate the scalp. Some might just call it, Genius!
HD Lace Frontal
HD Lace Closure
HD Lace Wig
Hot Sale
Hair Beginning 13x4 HD Lace Frontal Pre Plucked Lace Frontal Only 100% Mink Brazilian Virgin Human Hair Real HD Lace Frontal 14-20 Inch
Hair Beginning 5x5 HD Lace Closure Body Wave Transparent Lace undetectable pre-plucked HD Lace Closure 5x5 Invisible Knots Human Hair
HairBeginning 13x6 HD Lace Frontal Wigs Human Hair Pre Plucked with Baby Hair 150% 180% Cuticle Aligned Virgin Human Hair HD Lace Frontal Wigs Natural Straight
HairBeginning Virgin Brazilian Hair Pre Plucked Natural Wave 150% 180% 13x6 HD Lace Frontal Wigs